Tuning in #Jan

Music (re)Discoveries

Jan 28, 2021

The purpose of this post is to compile a bunch of artists and songs that, in one way or another, shaped my month — excluding, and this is important, brand new releases (I plan on making a special monthly series for those)!

The year kicked off with my ice-stone heart melting to the sound of Even of Day. This is the mellowest song in this post, so if that put you to sleep, worry not, the rest will bring you back to life.
If you know Yoh Kamiyama, you know I struggled to choose which song of his I’d include in this list. I opted for one with a MV. Yoh Kamiyama is bops and bangers left and right. One interesting pattern I’ve been noticing with these former vocaloidPs is that their vocal lines tend to be quite detailed (to my uneducated ears, anyway) — I don’t know a thing about the vocaloid software, but I do wonder if “programming” vocals on there is what influenced this particular style.
I’ll let this one speak for itself. If you’re not familiar with Gwangil Jo, try to guess the genre before you click on this video.
Finally, something in English — said no one except the closed-minded and me, who genuinely struggles to find music in English these days. This one comes from a Barcelona-based band, so there you have it, that’s how much I have to dig. I’m joking. I haven’t been trying, the Japanese market alone has kept me well-fed for years.
Yes, meowing can be badass. I’m not joking.
The way I slept on HELP EVER HURT NEVER for the entirety of 2020 is a criminal offence. Fujii Kaze’s demographics are a thing of wonder. If you check his comment sections, you’ll see 60-year-olds full-on gushing. Fujii Kaze has universal appeal.

Throwback of the Month (let’s overlook the fact that this actually happened in December.): 天使と悪魔 (Tenshi to akuma — the album) by 鴉 (Karasu). It’s not easy to find them by typing “karasu”, hence I included the kanji to help all adventurous and tasteful people out there, going through a complete stranger’s music recommendations. It’s the least I can do.




This is a blog. I talk about whatever I'm into. Music and languages and a multitude of various things. I specialise in overly hyperbolic language.